The TEI-Comparator is a text-comparison engine designed to compare two XML files where items of a paragraph-like granularity have been moved around, split up or otherwise reorganized. It is called the 'TEI-Comparator' because originally it was designed to compare two large XML files that follow the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). However, the TEI-Comparator does not specifically require TEI XML and should work with any XML as long as the units being compared are of a similar paragraph-like size. It is a database-backed (MySQL or HSQL or indeed any database that is supported by Hibernate) java web application built using the Google Web Toolkit API.
The TEI-Comparator is maintained by Arno Mittelbach and James Cummings. For questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the TEI-Comparator you can contact Arno at firstname.lastname[at] and James at firstname.lastname[at]